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welcome to Excellence Group

A Company specialized in algorithmic trading

Discover Excellence Group's mission and values. Our highly qualified and experienced team offers you customized services with a results-driven approach in training, mentoring, programming, and scientific and technical financial support. Discover excellence in every solution we implement. We are your reliable partner for success in the trading world.
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Methodical, rigorous and experienced
Training and Mentoring 
Whether you are starting from scratch or already trained, we offer a service tailored to your learning needs. We are committed to your success.
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Our qualified team of experts brings you trading-oriented programming services for Python, TradeStation, Multicharts, NinjaTrader, Metatrader 4 and 5.
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Trading Strategy Validation
We validate and optimize your trading strategies through the correct application of the scientific method. Avoid the biggest enemy of algorithmic trading: overfitting.
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Technical support
We help you improve and automate your portfolio trading strategies. Furthermore, we provide tools, guidance and expert support to the discretionary trader.
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More About Us
What else we do and do not do
R&D in algorithmic trading

We are experts in Research and Development of mathematical trading algorithms and financial tools.

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We do not manage capital

We are not an investment or advisory company. That is why we do not manage third party capital.

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No access to client accounts

We do not have access to the capital of our clients' brokerage accounts nor deal with real money in them.

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here is our some
Awesome features
At Excellence Group, we pride ourselves on offering a unique combination of services designed to empower our clients in the trading industry. Through our training programs, personalized mentoring, cutting-edge programming solutions, and technical and scientific support, we ensure that each client not only achieves their trading goals, but exceeds them.
We strive to help each client achieve their unique financial goals. That is why we are fully committed to helping you reach them.
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Wide experience

Our professionals have extensive experience in their field. More than 15 years of experience behind us.

Teaching Excellence

Tailored training at all levels and direct feedback and support to pave your way to trading succes.

scientific approach

Quantitative methods to help you design and refine your discretionary and automated trading strategies.

Stay at the leading edge With 
our technical and scientific support
Discover what our professional support and
advanced resources can do for your trading career
We let the results speak for us...
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